Having the technical skills to excel at your job is only one part of your performance. To build a successful future, you also need the interpersonal skills to gain support for your projects and to voice your ideas confidently. Are you doing what you can to advance your career?
You cannot push anyone up the ladder unless he is willing to climb.
Convincing others to take action, commit to projects and produce results by deadlines can be a daunting task. Developing strong communication and positive influencing skills will increase your performance and impact when dealing with colleagues, managers, customers, partners and suppliers — and help you to achieve the results you want.
By working on your personal skills with Dervish Consulting, you will learn to project a stronger, more confident and professional image that will help you to wield more influence and deal with a wider range of people and situations. You will be able to communicate and present with more impact. You will learn to build beneficial and positive relationships, in and across teams. You will learn to lead even when outside of a leadership role.
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Dervish Consulting’teki fırsatlar hakkında daha fazlasını öğrenin.
Dervish Consulting bir tek şeye odaklanmıştır: potansiyeli etkinleştirmeye. Organizasyon ve bireylerin güçlerini tanımlamalarına, onunla bağlantı kurmalarına ve çok yönlü kişilere, şirketlere dönüşmelerine yardımcı oluyoruz.
Amaç keşfetmenize, değişimi yönlendirmenize ve günümüz pazarında rekabeti sürdürmenize yardımcı oluyoruz.